Wednesday 4 May 2011

They work for us, you know

A business I once worked for (a global premium brand) wanted to know how their employees were feeling about working there. So they conducted a comprehensive survey. And the results were enlightening. What did the people want? More money? More holidays? Better food in the canteen? No: they wanted the Sales Director and the Marketing Director to stop squabbling with each other. They were mightily cheesed off that while they were working flat-out for the business during a recession those who were leading them seemed to be channelling Bette Davis and Joan Crawford in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. They were bored of the politics and wanted to be led by grown-ups please. At this moment I see just where they were coming from - because I feel exactly the same way about our country. 

You really only have to watch a debate in the House of Commons to see what I mean: sniping, jeering, "calm down dear"-ing.  Wobbling of jowls, jabbing of fingers and reddening of faces - on all sides. It has nothing to do with the actual business of running the country and everything to do with point-scoring and one-up-man-ship. The AV referendum is another good example of an important debate that's degenerated into a rather ridiculous bitch-fight. (I'm not saying that our PM makes a fitting Bette Davis but the simultaneous crippling of his deputy whilst keeping up the 'sisters' charade is strangely reminiscent... )Just like those directors who were too busy bickering to lead, and who were making a mockery of their employees' hard work by conducting themselves like five-year olds, our politicians seem to be too busy trying to trip the other side up to get on with the rather important job of taking the decisions that affect our lives. 

Some commentators have, mainly in response to the Winner-gate gaffe, been spouting off this week about how 'that's just the bear pit of politics". Politicians have always been petulant and childish in debate - why criticise it now? 

Perhaps because its clear from observing the Obama-Trump situation (that's Obama vs Donald, I'm not suggesting the Leader of the Free World has a flatulence problem) that there is actually another way. You can rise above the pettiness and the sniping, you can be the better person. You can refuse to get drawn into the bitch-fight and let your actions do the talking for you. (It helps if those actions are to find the world's most wanted terrorist and then reveal it in a measured, reasoned and thoroughly mature kind of a way.That's how to be a leader. 

I recently met with one of Cranfield Business School's visiting fellows. She's ex-armed forces and was recounting a story of one of her old colleagues - a man with a battalion under his command. On his first day, his commanding officer called him onto the office and drew his organisation chart; him at the top, and the rank and file spreading out below. Then he said; "That's the last time I want you to look at it from this perspective" and promptly turned it upside down. "You work for them" he was told - and he never forgot it. Its a lesson every leader should learn. 

Yet its a lesson that so many just don't want to hear. No wonder 35% of people didn't even see the point in voting in the last election. Most of us - just like those cheesed-off employees - aren't interested in playground politics, in the type of politics that is about telling us how sh*t the other guys are in order to make yourself look better. We'd like someone who has a good clue about what they're doing to focus on what we're paying them to do. We'd like them to be in the job for the right reasons and to lead us with our welfare in the forefront of their mind. 

This is one of the reasons that I'll be voting 'yes' for AV this week. Not only because I think they've conducted their campaign with a teensy bit more decorum than the 'no' campaign but mainly because I think AV is a step towards a system that reminds our politicians who they actually work for. At the moment we have a system where 68% of voters did not vote for the party that ends up controlling government. Where we often feel we shouldn't vote for the person who we think will work hardest for us, but for the person most likely to keep the people we really don't want out. Where the pantomime that is politics means that a third of our country don't even bother voting. Our current system doesn't encourage politicians to listen to their constituents. It encourages the tribalism that we've seen too much of recently. It encourages the negative campaigning, the polarisation, the mud-slinging. If they can win with less than 50% of people voting for them, why should your MP be concerned about what you actually want? 

AV isn't perfect - I'm not sure any system is. But it doesn't kill babies, it won't bankrupt the country and it won't send you spiralling into existential angst - contrary to what the 'no' lobby would have you believe. If you feel that politics isn't relevant for you. Or if you're tired of the petty squabbling and would like to be able to remind politicians that they do, in fact, work for you then you should probably be voting 'yes' for AV tomorrow.

Oh, and if you live in Earlsdon ward in Coventry and would like a real-life grown-up politician who knows who they work for and is in it for all the right reasons then you should probably be voting for John Fletcher. Not a jowl-wobble or duck-house in sight.

1 comment:

  1. I actually looked it up (because I'm a geek) and he was so close. If he stands again let me know - I am an awesome leaflet folder and deliverer. x
